“... Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
- Matthew 18: 3
It pleases God when we come to Him in child-like faith. What is the beauty of such faith? It simply believes God. Children do not evaluate first and then believe. They just believe without evaluation. Many people are not able to believe God wholeheartedly because they are evaluating Him, His ways, His words, His miracles and His existence itself. When God asked Abraham to leave his father’s house and his country, and start on a journey to an unknown place, he did not evaluate God’s voice and His intentions.
He simply obeyed. When Daniel was brought into the Gentile country of Babylon as a captive, he never questioned God’s love and care, but simply obeyed even in that ungodly atmosphere. When David was often persecuted by his envious father-in-law Saul, he did not question God or grumble against Him, but trusted that He would someday deliver him from Saul’s hands. When Joshua confronted the river Jordan as well as the walls of Jericho, he did not use his logic or common sense, nor did he evaluate God’s instructions. He simply went ahead with implicit obedience.
Dear friends, are you facing a situation today which forces you to question God or doubt His ways and promises? If so, be assured that the solution is not in evaluating God but in believing Him. Have child-like faith in Him. Do not doubt His promises when the situations seem to be bleak and negative. God has great victories in store for you. So just lean on His arms with confidence and obedience.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, the situation I am going through right now does not promise any hope. But I take hold of your powerful hands like a child who clasps his father’s hand. I know that you will definitely lead me to victory. Thank you. Amen.
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