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Wednesday, November 27 || PRAY WITH TEARS FOR THE UNSAVED

“Oh, that  my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! ...” - Jeremiah 9: 1

Statistics say that around one fourth of all the people in the world have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ.  Wesley Duewell writes of an incident that he encountered once.  “Some years ago, while I was serving as a seminary principal in India, my students and I spent a field term going from village to village with the gospel message and Christian literature.  One night at a village meeting, I read the Christmas story from Luke 2.  As I began to speak, an old villager seated on the ground interrupted me.  ‘How long is it since that great day when God’s Son was born?’ I told him, it had been approximately two thousand years.  Immediately he pointed an accusing finger at me.  ‘You say you have known this truth for two thousand years!  Who has been hiding that Book all this time?’”  Duewell was dumbstruck.  He writes, “How would you have answered him?  How sad that he has not been given even a single chance to get saved all these years!  What excuse would we give God for not making this as an earnest prayer request all these days?”  

Dear friends, the condition of the world should drive us to tears.  Wesley L Duewel says, “It is a spiritual crime to be callous while the world goes to hell.  It is spiritually criminal to pray casually, dry-eyed and burdenless, while the world is in sin and pain.”  Job testified, “Have I not wept for those in trouble?  Has not my soul grieved for the poor?” (Job 30: 25)  Moses wept over the sin of his people.  Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because of the great prayer burden he carried for his people.  Let us also pray with tears for our countrymen’s deliverance. 

PRAYER: Almighty God, give me tears when I kneel at your throne each day; melt my heart with Your holy fire.  Flood my soul with the passion of love Divine.  May I hunger with Your desire.  Save my people I pray.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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