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Wednesday, November 13

Read: John 8: 1-11


“From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.” -John 1: 16

The word “grace” “charis” is from chario - to rejoice.  In English, it is charity.  Just as beggars need charity, sinners need grace for we are all spiritual  paupers outside of Christ, but  as St Augustine said, God gives where He finds empty hands.  It is said that the word “grace” is probably the greatest word in the Scriptures, greater even than “love” because grace is “love in action.”  Grace is summed up in the name, person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is all the more intriguing that Jesus Himself never used the word charis, grace.  He simply lived it and by so doing, left us an example to follow in His steps.  In John 8: 1-11  we read about the incident of a woman caught in adultery.  The Law clearly stated, “Stone her.”  The self-righteous Pharisees, who stood around her also said the same.  Yet Christ replied, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.”  What grace!  Under the Law they had every right to throw stones at her and bury her, and they were standing ferociously to do that,  but Jesus intervened in grace.  When He told parables to His audience, grace was His favorite theme.  In the parable of the Good Samaritan, He highlighted the grace shown by the Samaritan to the wounded, helpless man.  

Dear friends, let us not resist God’s grace.  Receiving it leaves us filled and overflowing, while resisting it leaves us empty, dry and spiritually barren.  If we desperately want the Lord to pour out His grace on any situation we find ourselves entwined - like worldliness, bitterness or any sin - let us cry out for His grace.  He will never leave anyone empty who comes to Him.   

PRAYER: Dear Lord, grace is an unearned favour, a precious gift that I do not deserve.  It is not a merit for any work I perform, but given to me freely by You through Jesus, Your Son. I desperately need Your grace in everyday situations. Pour out Your grace as I humbly come to You.  Amen

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