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Wednesday, February 12 || PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” - Proverbs 16: 18

Uzziah was one of the most remarkable of the kings of Judah.  He was a man of excellent character, and the early period of his reign was characterized by true prosperity.  Unfortunately, Uzziah took personal credit for what God had given him.  When he was powerful, when he had grown very great and increased in wealth and power,  instead of lifting up the name of God in gratitude to Him who had done so much for him, his heart puffed up with pride.  He was so bold to enter the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.  He was not content with the privileges and honor God had given him, but meddled with those things which did not belong to him.  According to Exodus 30:7, God had consecrated and appointed Aaron and his sons to burn incense to the Lord.  Though Uzziah was a king  he did not have the right to do this holy duty.  Even when Azariah the priest confronted him and warned him to leave the sanctuary, Uzziah arrogantly refused to listen.  For this act of disobedience God afflicted him with leprosy.  He remained a leper until the day he died.  

Dear friends, we read of many people in history who once walked humbly with God became proud and arrogant, and wandered from God.  They refused to hear the voice of God or the rebuke of friends, and ultimately had to face the judgment of God.  Let us not allow pride to enter into our lives.  Let us remind ourselves the warning in Proverbs 16:18.  Let us walk humbly before God our Creator and give Him all glory for all that we have and all that we have acquired.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for warning me today through Uzziah’s  life.  Let me not become proud when I am blessed with wealth, success, popularity and power, but be careful to remember everything comes from You alone, and use it to glorify and honor Your name.  Amen.

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