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Wednesday, December 04 || Obedience And Its Resultant Blessing

"...because you... have not withheld your son... I will surely bless you..." - Genesis 22: 16,17

Abraham and his son Isaac walked up the mountain together - the young Isaac bent under the wood for burnt offering, his father striding behind, carrying the fire and the knife. But where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Isaac asked. God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son, replied Abraham. This passage captures one of the most dramatic moments in the entire Bible. It is a scene filled with tension - Abraham about to slay his only son, not as an act of cruelty or rage but out of love to his God. The story bewilders us - why would God ask for such a sacrifice? Because He knows there is no other way for us to learn that He is God. When we put something on the altar, sacrificing it to Him, we acknowledge two things - that He is our Creator, He is God, and that we are just the clay in His hands. This is the worship we need to offer, the humble worship that will make us to experience His goodness and His provision in our lives.

Dear friends, like Abraham we too face with dilemmas, not once but many times. In our case, it is not a matter of physically placing a child on an altar, but it may mean placing something else - a relationship, a career, a gift, a dream. Whatever it is, if we offer it to God as Abraham offered his only son, we will know God as Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who in His goodness provides everything we need.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, I confess my tendency to shrink back when You ask me something difficult. I pray for Your grace today to surrender my life again to You. Whatever You ask me to give, let me be willing to give it without any reservation. Amen.

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