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Tuesday, November 12

Read: Acts 13: 6-12


“Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. ... He who stands firm to the end will be saved.”      (Matthew 24: 11, 13

Bar-Jesus means, “the Son of Jesus.” In Hebrew culture, to call a person the son of someone was to designate himself his follower. This man was claiming to be a follower of Jesus, but what he taught was absolutely contrast to what Jesus taught. He was not son of Jesus, or son of Salvation, but he was actually son of a devil. Bar-Jesus, whose other name was Elymas, was opposing Paul and Barnabas when they proclaimed the gospel to a Roman official Sergius Paulus. Elymas was making repeated attempts to turn Sergius away from the gospel of salvation. (Acts 13: 8) Elymas was opposing Paul and Barnabas, but in actuality, he as Satan’s messenger, was opposing God’s messengers, God’s Word, and ultimately God Himself!

Dear friends, the age in which we live is the age of cults and false prophets, and all of them are satanically inspired. This is an age where forces of hell openly challenge the forces of God. Let us beware of false prophets. They are not just wrong but are very dangerous, and we should not expose our minds to their false message because they are inevitably perverts - they turn or twist the Truth, distort their listeners’ thinking and poison their souls. False prophets are more deadly than physical wolves because they can kill not just the body but the soul. Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” They claim to be a prophet from God and utter falsehood under the name of divine prophets. Let us be on alert. Let us hold on to the Word of God, for our adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Let us resist him standing firm in faith.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we live in an age where false prophets and false teachers are roaming around as wolves clad in sheep’s skin and deceive even those who are chosen. They pervert the Truth and lead people astray. Let me be alert and holdfast to Your Word. Give me Your grace, Lord. Amen.

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