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Tuesday, December 03 || Speak Nothing Else, Only Christ And Him Crucified

"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." - l Corinthians 2: 2

Paul was a man of one message wherever he preached, whether in Thessalonica or Athens or Rome, it was always the same, Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He never strayed from his basic message. We can summarise Pauls preaching in three words - clarity, simplicity, boldness. He was so clear that no one could miss his message. He was clear because he spoke plainly about what Jesus Christ accomplished in His death on the Cross. And he was bold stating that truth over and over again.

Dear friends, this should be our mandate. We as disciples of Christ are not to concern ourselves with the petty affairs of men. We are not to get caught up in the mundane business of the fallen world. We have been called to the heavenly task. We have been chosen by God from among the billions of people living on earth today to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. So we should clearly and plainly say with boldness that God laid all our sins on Jesus, His Son, He took our place dying where we should have died, bearing our punishment standing as our Substitute, taking our sin and its punishment upon Himself. He then rose from the dead on the third day proving all His claims to be true. This is the message of the gospel - Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead, and we are to tell it boldly because no one will if we do not.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Paul kept the Cross of Christ the crux, the crucial point, the vital truth and the core of his preaching. Like him, let me also proclaim the gospel with clarity, simplicity and with boldness that Jesus alone can save sinners. Let Jesus be in the centre of my witness always. Amen.

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