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Thursday, October 03 Read: Luke 10: 38-42

Updated: Oct 3


“Martha, Martha,” ... “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.” - Luke 10: 41, 42

Many good things in our life can take so much time that they squeeze out “one thing,” the most important thing that should be at the center. We can understand this with an illustration - If we want to develop our child into a world class pianist or an athlete, we would start training him right from his young age. Get regularly practice for hours each day, week after week, year after year. Everything else would take second place. To be the best, the child must give up what others call “normal.” The “one thing” must take precedence over the “many things.” This is what Jesus emphasized to Martha. Jesus said to her something like this - “Martha, you are so busy cooking and serving. Your motives are good, but your heart is divided and distracted. Your zeal to serve me has pushed me to the edge of your heart. I want to be at the center of everything that is far more important than preparing a great meal to honor me.” Martha believed that to entertain Christ there must be many things prepared, and she could not afford to leave out even one of those things. Our Lord would have been satisfied enough with just a piece of fish or a honeycomb! Mary was given the same opportunity that Martha had, but Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet.

Dear friends, the Martha spirit crops up in us too, as we consider doing many things necessary for the Lord, we do so much preaching or so much Sunday school teaching, distribute so many tracts.  Let us remember that when more work is prioritized and the inner life forgotten, prayer, Word - there will not be divine blessing.  So, let whatever we do be done in His name and by His Spirit and is well pleased in His sight.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I understand that restless service which does not sit at Your feet, is but the chattering of a mill which turns without grinding wheat. Let me not be like Martha who worried about the bread that feeds the body, but be like Mary and focus on You, the Bread of life that feeds the soul. Amen.


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