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“... next morning Abraham took some food, a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. ... and then sent her off with the boy. ...” Genesis 21:14

Trust can be defined as the quiet, steady, unwavering confidence in the goodness, wisdom and faithfulness of God. No matter however great trials or seeming disasters a person may encounter, if he has cultivated this trust he remains calm and restful in the midst of it all. He is beautifully pictured by David in Psalm 125:1, “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.”  All the mountains of the earth may tremble and shake and even be totally removed, but Mount Zion which is God’s dwelling place stands firm and forever.  So it is with the believer who has learned to trust God. Others all around him may give way to panic and confusion, but he remains calm and secure.

Dear friends, Abraham’s trust in the Lord was so strong that he pushed aside all negative thoughts and obeyed whatever God said. And he was abundantly rewarded. God expects such obedience from us too. What is our response?

PRAYER: Loving Lord, Abraham was able to trust You. He knew for sure that You will never commit any mistake. And so he trusted You hundred percent. Let his example motivate me to live in total trust and obedience to You, irrespective of threatening circumstances. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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