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“... Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ...” - Romans 12: 2

We can paraphrase Paul’s words in Romans 12:2 like this - “Change your behavior by changing your mind.”  A computer programmer, who is well acquainted with computers told that when a computer is reprogrammed, the programmer “dumps” the old program.  This is something like what is to take place in the mind of the Christian - the old program “dumped” and a new one put in its place.  When we become Christians, we become new creatures in Christ.  But that transformation is not total - much yet remains to be changed.  The truth is that we cannot change our mind because it is not under our control.  If we say, “Mind, change,” it does not obey us.  But we can do things that will in turn cause our mind to be acted upon by other forces.  We can understand this by this simple illustration:  Suppose we want a bar of iron to rust, we cannot say, “Iron, rust,” and expect it to happen.  We can however rub a little salt on it, place it in a humid place and wait.  Certainly the iron will rust. We can deal with ourselves in the same way.  As people saved by grace, when we keep ourselves in the right surrounding, expose our mind to the right things, something happens - our mind changes slowly.  This transforming atmosphere is not just a physical location such as fellowship of Christians, prayer meetings, etc. though it includes these.  God’s plan for the renewing of the mind is a reprogramming described in the Bible.  

Dear friends, if we expect ourselves to be overcomers, we must follow God’s Word, beginning with making Jesus  Lord of our lives.  Let us remember that mind renewing is not an overnight phenomenon.  The process will involve the rest of our lives.

PRAYER: Dear Lord,  if I want my mind to be renewed, I need to know what You expect from me, and for this I need to read Your Word and follow it carefully.  I also have to know my enemy, learn to run away from him and build myself in faith by placing myself in the right surroundings.  Thank You for teaching me this, Lord.  Amen.

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