Read: Colossians 3: 4-10
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him. ...” - Colossians 2: 6,7
There are two pictures - a tree and a building. The word used for “rooted” is the word which would be used of a tree with its roots deep in the soil. The word used for “built” is the word which would be used of a house erected on a firm foundation. Just as the great tree is deep-rooted in the soil and draws its nourishment from it, so the Christian is rooted in Christ, the source of his life and strength. Just as the house stands firm because it is built on a strong foundation, so the Christian’s life is strong and resistant to any storm because it is founded on the strength of Christ.
Dear friends, steady progress in our spiritual life is possible only when we are rooted in Christ. Christians are not to be chaff with no roots, blown about by every kind of doctrine. We are to be strong trees. For some Christians, this relationship with the Lord is based on their feelings. They go from Bible conferences to Bible studies, trying to maintain an emotional high feelings which can be often deceiving. The effective antidote for a feeling-centered faith is being Christ centered. Having received Christ Jesus by faith, we are to establish in the faith and walk with Him in close fellowship each day. What can we do to make sure that we are established in faith? First, we must dedicate ourselves to read the Bible, confess any known sin which will quench our desire for anything holy including the Holy Spirit and the Word. Second, we must ask God to lead us to truth and keep us from wrong doctrines.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, let me not be blown away by false doctrines. Let me be rooted in You like a tree firmly rooted in the soil. Let me derive nourishment from You and be strengthened in my faith. Let me be built in You like a house which has a firm foundation. Let my faith be strengthened as I read Your Word each day. Amen.
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