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“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” - Luke 14:11

When Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians, there was pride and strife among them.  People were standing on their dignity, refusing to stoop, refusing to take second place and to have a servant heart.  In order to build up the spirit of unity, Paul pointed them to Christ.  He used the word “equality.” In Philippians 2:6 Paul writes, “Jesus Christ being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God.”  Jesus is God’s equal.  Jesus is by very nature God.  In Christ we see all the attributes of God.  Anything we can say of God, the Father, we can say of Jesus.  Speak of God’s love or His justice or His patience or God’s grace or His kindness or His holiness.  Jesus has all attributes of God.  Yes.  Jesus is equal to God.  And Paul stressed this point because Philippians were standing on their dignity.  He said, “I want to speak to you about someone who IS dignity, who IS Lord Jesus.  Even though He was equal to God He did not exalt himself, but He humbled Himself.  He made Himself as nothing.  He took the very nature of a servant.”  That is amazing!  Isn’t it?    

Dear friends, let us not be status seekers.  Let us not be the people who boast of their place, position, prestige and prominence - people clinging to their dignity.  Let our attitude be the same as that of Christ Jesus.  Is there unwillingness in our hearts to lay aside our dignity and to become the servant of God?  Let us remember that only if we suffer with Him, we would reign with Him, only if we deny ourselves would we be accepted and only if we humble ourselves would we be exalted.  
PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, I cannot but admire Lord Jesus who laid aside His majesty, took the form of a human and came to this world. Though He was equal to You in all aspects, He did not boast even once of His status. Give me Your grace to wholeheartedly follow His example. Amen. 

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