Read: Like 2 : 1-7
"But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son..." (Galatians 4: 4)
Caesar Augustus was the greatest of the Roman emperors, greater even than his granduncle Julius Caesar. Luke portrays Augustus as the unknowing agent of God, whose decree led to the fulfillment of the rise of a great Ruler from Bethlehem. (Micah 5:1-2) In the period of this great emperor, who was known for his reign of peace, God raised up the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Little did Augustus Caesar know that he was accomplishing the purpose of God by bringing Mary to Bethlehem at that particular time so that her Child might be born there. But God can accomplish His purpose in any way that He pleases. Although Caesar was not aware of all that was involved in his decree, which he intended simply to be a means of registering his subjects, it was overruled by God for the fulfillment of the prophecy uttered by Isaiah centuries before the event happened that Christ must be born in Bethlehem.
Joseph and Mary traveled eighty miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register their names. They had to be in Bethlehem just for a few days. But that short period was the very right time for the birth of the Christ Child. God knew exactly when that moment was, exactly when the day was. He knew when they had to be there, and He had planned for that to happen under the power and authority of Augustus Caesar, who was far away from Bethlehem and utterly ignorant of the Word of God!
Dear friends, let us be encouraged. Nothing happens in our life by chance because God is sovereign over everything, including the timing of events. He makes no mistakes, and He has our best interests at heart.
Prayer: Dear Lord, You are Sovereign God, who upholds all things and governs all events. You are concerned of even the tiniest details of my life including the timing of events. So let me submit to Your will trusting that You will always lead me in the right path at the right time. Amen.
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