Read: II Chronicles 10:8-14, 11:1-4
“Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.“
- Proverbs 19:20
After his father Solomon died, Rehoboam became king over Israel. When the Israelites approached him and asked him that the burden Solomon had placed on them would be lightened, Rehoboam sought the counsel of the young men and listened to their foolish counsel. (II Chronicle 10:5-11) He made a decision to increase their yoke. So the 10 northern tribes of Israel rebelled against Rehoboam. In response, Rehoboam mustered 180,000 men from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to fight against Israel, hoping that he could restore his kingdom. But before Rehoboam could lead his army to march into the north, Shemaiah the prophet of God, brought in the Word of the Lord, “Stop this immediately. They are your brothers. Do not go up to fight against them.” When Rehoboam heard this, he backed down, he sent all the 180,000 men home. It is remarkable that Rehoboam heeded the advice offered by the prophet, without asking for a “second opinion.” In heeding to Shemaiah’s word, Rehoboam acted wisely. But this was not the end of Rehoboam’s story. II Chronicles 12:1 says, “After Rehoboam's position as king was established and he had become strong, he ... abandoned the law of the LORD,” and started following the pagan gods.

Dear friends, Rehoboam is an example of a man who is double-minded and unstable in his ways. (James 1:8) Initially, his wise leadership caused people to follow the Lord, but then his departure from the Lord led to the downfall of his kingdom. Let us be careful to holdfast to the Lord and be faithful to Him till the end.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, earlier Rehoboam listened to foolish counsel of young men. Then he heeded Shemaiah’s word and acted wisely. But then he again made a blatant choice of rejecting Your law and following idols. Let me hold on to You in all situation and be careful not to be influenced by bad counsellors. Amen.
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