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Monday, November 18

Read: Luke 11: 5-13  


“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?“

- Luke 11: 11

If our children ask for a stone or a snake, we will certainly not give it to them, how much they beg or cry.  No father would give his small child a sharp knife or a loaded gun, no matter how much the child begs and cries.  And frankly, if the father gives him the knife or the gun, it shows he does not really love him at all.  The same is true with our heavenly Father.  As willful, ignorant children, we often ask God for things that might bring harm to us.  It may be some gift or honor, or pleasure on some object of heart’s desire.  We might imagine it as bread and that will be food to us.  But our heavenly Father says no, not because He hates us but because He loves us.  God’s “NO” is a sure sign of His wisdom and His love for us. He alone knows the end from the beginning and knows that what we have asked for would harm us more than help us.  So in His omniscient, loving wisdom, He says, “NO.”  If He were always to give according to our prayers, it might be very injurious to us.  God loves us too well to listen to our feeble, pitiful cries or to be moved by our earnestness or our tears to give it to us.

Dear friends, it may appear that many of our requests for earthly things are not granted.  Yet we should understand that our prayers are not unanswered.   Instead of the stone we wish, God gives us the bread we need.  Since we do not always know what is bread and what is a stone, let us leave to God the final decision in all our prayer. 

PRAYER: Dear Lord, when my prayers are answered in a way which I did not ask, let me not complain, “I asked God something and He did not give it to me.”  But instead, let me say, “I wanted something I did not need, so my Father, who is infinite in wisdom, who knows what is best for me, did not give it to me.”  Help me to trust You for my needs wholeheartedly. Amen

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