Read: John 4: 46-54 Honey Drops Daily Devotion
“... The man took Jesus at His Word and departed.” - John 4: 50
The second miracle which Jesus did in Galilee was the healing of the royal official’s son. The official urged Jesus to come to his house at Capernaum and heal his dying son. The official’s faith rested upon the signs and wonders performed by Jesus, news of which had reached him from Judea. (John 4:47) But Jesus did not agree to go to Capernaum with the official. He dismissed him with the statement that, his son was alive. By saying this, Jesus created a dilemma of faith. If the father refused to return to Capernaum without taking Jesus with him, he would show that he did not believe Jesus’ Word and would consequently receive no benefit because of his unbelief. On the other hand, if he followed Jesus’ command, he would be returning home with no outward assurance that the boy would recover. He was
forced to make the difficult choice - whether to insist on evidence and thus show disbelief, or exercise his faith without any tangible proof to encourage him. The official chose the second one. He manifested an instantaneous faith based on the Word of Jesus. He took “Jesus at His Word,” and set out on his return journey. There was no argument. He simply believed and obeyed. Thus he was elevated from his lower level of faith which needed miracles, to a higher level, which believed solely Jesus’ Word!
Dear friends, this is a good example of expectant faith. This is the source of real spiritual blessing - namely believing and claiming the promises of God. Let us have such expectant faith. James 1:7 says that a man who wavers in the prayer of faith should not think he will receive anything from the Lord. But when we ask in faith, we will receive. (John 16:24)
PRAYER: Dear Lord, many times I wish You would go along with me when I am in trouble and give some visible sign of Your love and care. But let me know that Your Word is enough for me, and when You give Your Word, You are always faithful to do it in action. Amen.
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