Read: Psalms 119: 9-16
“... Your promise preserves my life.” - Psalm 119:50
In this busy world, it is painful to see many Christians spending very little time to read the Word of God and to pray. At the most they read a few verses from the book of Psalms or the book of Proverbs, and rush off to face their hectic schedule. As a result their spiritual lives begin to deteriorate and Satan easily gets a foothold making use of the opportunity. Bakht Singh, the saint of God, used to pray before he opened his Bible as follows – “Lord, I respect this Book, which is your Word. Kindly teach me and speak to me through its pages. Even though I do not understand many things teach me your Word.” He later wrote, “Then I found the light of God becoming brighter and brighter each day. On one side, I saw my inward corruption, but on the other side I saw His abundant grace to forgive me and wash me. Before going to bed I used to pray, “Lord, please tell me – did my life please you today? Tell me if I have made any mistakes and have grieved you by thought, word or deed.” “The Lord revealed my sins to me and I confessed them immediately. Then I would go to sleep like a small child.”
Dear friends, do not compromise Bible reading. Get up a little early in the morning and spend some time to read the Bible, or stay awake a little late at night and meditate God’s word. God’s word teaches us, rebukes us, and trains us in righteousness. (II Timothy 3:16) It protects from Satan’s attack for it is the sword of the Spirit. Do not start the day or end the day without talking to God. Listen to His voice which guides you and teaches you to walk in the right path. Do not say that only the full time servants of God can do so. When you really have the desire, God will give His grace to put it into practice.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, due to my busy schedule I am unable to spend more time in reading Your Word and in prayer. As I plan to reschedule my prayer time, give me Your grace to stick on to it and enjoy more intimate fellowship with You daily. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
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