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Welcome to your online Christian store! Our mission  is to  access  Word of God, by everyone in some format, at an affordable price. Seeing God's Word can inspire and encourage people.  It helps them trust in His promises, no matter what challenges you face. Let us help you find the best format to resonate the Word of God.

Book Store

Reading books is a great way to learn and grow as a person. And when it comes to enriching our lives with the goodness of God, there's no better than the Word of God itself. With its titles and teachings, the Bible can help us apply God's characteristics in our daily lives and find true happiness.

Return Gifts - Fridge Magnets


Find perfect return gifts for your special occasion. We have a wide  range of gifts that are sure to delight your loved ones. Shop now and make your special occasion memorable!



Reading the Bible every day can bring light to our paths and enrich our lives. Its words have the power to give life to our souls. Make it a habit to enjoy the richness of the Bible every moment.

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Fruit Drink

"At Word of God, we believe that nourishing your soul is just as important quenching your thirst. That's why we offer a variety of fruit Juice to complement"

Wall Decor

Wall Decor

Decorating our walls and desks with inspiring verses can serve as a constant reminder of our redeemer's love and care for us. Let us create a peaceful atmosphere that resonates with the word of God and brings comfort to our souls.

T Shirts


Looking for a way to express your faith and encourage others? Our collection of tees with inspiring Bible verses is just what you need. Not only are they comfortable to wear, but they also serve as a reminder of the faith. Choose from a variety of designs and colors to the perfect fit for you.

Kids Reading Map

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